As an artist I focus on photography – I use both, found photographs as well as photographs I take – but I also work with video, ceramics, performance and the artist’s book. In terms of subject, I am concerned with understanding the space and time in which I live. What unites all these seemingly very different artworks is the method that I use, in which I first disassemble the whole, in order to assemble it into something new so as to gain insight and understanding. Sometimes I tear up paper, sometimes digital files, I smash glass, put shards together, glue stuff, sew, magnify or reduce images and change colours. The individual parts are always emphasised in my work and the composite whole is an object or image that opens up a new visibility.


Untitled, only Numbers, 2019 –

Victims Unknown, 2023

The Touch, 2020-2024

Berlin Zoo 1965/2006/2023

Olympia, 2001/2012/2020

Flowers 2019 –

Smash an Eye, 2018

The Witch is not at Home, 2017

Billion Dinar Girl, 2017

Lilith on the Red Sea, 2017

Gasoline Stations, Again, 2016

Mushrooms, 2016

Orange Cloud, 2017

The Skies above Me, 2016

Your Sky is a Crust, 2016

12 Nights, 18 June 2015 – 14 March 2018

Red Star Over China (VIDEO 2:31 min) 2015

6 Swimming Pools behind Broken Glass, 2014

ABCEUM, 2014

Migrants: The Case of Eferding, 2013

Nude Descending a Staircase, 2012

Colored, 2012

Expoded, 2012

And Not a Drop of Milk, 2012

Monument to the Unknown Heroes, 2012

Whore, 2010

Nine Swimming Pools behind Broken Glass, 2010

Coloring Book, 2010

Migrants, 2010

Migrants (Florence), 2010

Nowhere (Nikjer), 2004/2010

The Path of Remembrance and Comradeship, 2001-2016

The Potato Leaf, 2008

The Slovenian Parliament, 2007

Red Stars, 2007

A Reading, 2007

Hotel Kumrovec, 2007

My Grandfather was a Person Who Never Threw Anything Away, 2006

Nikola Tesla Anti-Monument – Maribor, 2006

Wrong Place, 2006

No Remembrance, No Comradeship, 2006

Dialogue in the Kitchen, Volume I., 2006

Calendar 2000-2006

Avtokino Barje, 2004

The State of Things, 2004

My Grandmother’s House, 2001/2004

Ideal Home, 2003

Patterns, 2002

A Day Before, 2002

insideOut, 2002

Weather Report, 2001

The Strawberry, 2001/2016

Calendar, 2001

Snapshot, 2000

Home…, 1999-2000

Wherever I am not, 2000

A Week per Hour, 2000

Traces, 1999

Presence/Absence, 1999

Govedji gulas, 1997

The Self Play, 1996

Three Side Screens, 1994

Sleeping Maxi, 1993

Woman who wants to fly, but something is hindering her, 1992